
Couples vacation tips
for relationship building

Therapist Advice: How To Grow In Your Relationship While On Vacation

     Vacations help us unwind, relax, and reenergize. While they have been shown to increase work performance, they can also help us in our relationships as well. Read along to learn helpful couples vacation tips to enhance your relationship.

Couples Vacation Tips For Relationship Building​

     While everyone can benefit from a vacation, not every vacation is beneficial for your relationship. Rather than choosing any destination that looks appealing, it is important that you create a vacation that is centered around the enhancing of your relationship. The best couples vacation tips for relationship building is to choose romantic destinations that focus on just the two of you and make your time together the overall experience. Read along to learn how to do just that.

Just The Two Of Us

Couples Vacation Tips For Relationship Building​

Photography By: Thomas Boxma

The same way you can feel alone in a room full of people, you can feel disconnected from your partner while on a trip with them. It’s easy to be distracted by attractions and a new location. It’s important you plan your vacation with the focus being the relationship, not the getaway.


  • Spend Time Building Intimacy, Not Expecting Intimacy

         Don’t expect your destination to do all the work. The point of this trip is for you to build intimacy not find things to do it for you. Make a conscious effort to be more attentive, present, and romantic with your partner. 

  • Remove The Distractions

        Secluded destinations can make this easier. Choose a location with privacy. Choose a location where you are encouraged to stare into your partners eyes and not your phone. 

  • Make Your Partner The Destination

         Remember this vacation is less about where you go and more about who your with. Make your time together the focus. Whatever the location, it’s how you expierence it together that matters most.


Romance Is In The Air

     You can’t have couples vacation tips without mentioning romance. While this is seems obvious, doing it is not. Many people believe just being with their partner is romantic. If this was true, we wouldn’t need articles like this or couples counselors such as myself. Here are some suggestions to get the flame going.

Couples Vacation Tips For Relationship Building​

Photography By: Thomas Boxma

  • Visit Areas Where Romance Is The Theme

         Not all locations are romantic. In fact, even romantic locations can change with the season. A beach can be romantic but no so much on Spring Break. Choose a location that encourages intimacy and fills you with passion. 

  • Visit Areas Where Other Couples Are

        While you want to feel secluded and have privacy, having other couples around can help too. Seeing others being romantic can remind us to get closer to our partner. Seeing couples doing the opposite can remind us of what we came here to do. Use both the good and bad examples of other couples around you.

  • Make Time To Talk

         Spend time discussing feelings, desires, and wants romantically but not critically. Being away from our everyday routine and stressors can make these conversations more impactful. Take advantage of this romantic atmosphere and work on your communication skills.

Experience Experiences Together

Couples Vacation Tips For Relationship Building​

Photography By: Thomas Boxma

      If you want to learn how to breakup with someone nicely, you have to learn to be compassionate. Being compassionate is something we all recognize but view consciously practice. 


  • Limit Alone Time And Focus On Couples Activities

         While personal time is important, it’s not the purpose of this trip. Time to limit this time and spend most of your time doing activities together and creating quality time.

  • Focus On Your Partners Experience

        Self-centeredness will never make the list of couples vacation tips. If both partners are focusing on their partners happiness, both partners end up happy and with a better understanding of each other. 

  • Let The Sparks Fly

         In the beginning of a relationship, it’s the new and unfamiliar experiences that excite us. You have the opportunity to recreate this in new locations. Explore new territories, do new things, and spend time with your partner as you fall in love all over again.


Important Tips To Remember

  • Spend Time Building Intimacy
  • Remove The Distractions
  • Limit Personal Time
  • Focus On Your Partners Experience

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By: Jordan Joachim

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