
Money Stress Is Killing Me

My Money Stress Is Killing Me



My Money Stress Is Killing Me

How To Save Yourself

       If you’ve ever said, “my money stress is killing me”, you’re not alone. Many people have felt that way. Fortunately, many people have changed that as well. Let’s see how we can help you.

Money Stress Is Killing Me

Money and bills are a large part of life that impacts other parts of our lives as well. It’s no wonder why many people have said, “my money stress is killing me”. There are two ways to solve that problem. The first and most important is to change the way we view money. The second is to change the way we handle it. Follow along to save your financial life.

Why Money Stress Is Killing Me

Money Stress Is Killing Me

This may seem like an obvious answer, but it’s not that simple. It is not just your bills that it is killing you, but your mentality towards your finances as well.

  • Bills

         Bills never stop coming. This is not the problem however. It is to be expected. Our problem is that we weren’t prepared to handle those bills in the first place and now they are piling up. When you can’t handle your regular bills, handling them times two or three becomes impossible.

  • Income

         If we were making more, we’d be able to afford more. This would obviously handle the pressure of our bills. This is not always true however. Many begin to make more and because of this, spend more. So while we gained more income, we also gained more bills and find ourselves right back to where we started. This can be even more depressing and frustrating than we felt before this increase in money.

  • Self-Worth        
        If you are not making as much as you are worth or for the lifestyle you are drawn to, it hits our ego hard. It shames us and shame is a dangerous feeling. It doesn’t just stop growth, it can reverse it. It is this shame that can kill us as well.

How We Should View Money

Money like everything else is impacted by how we view it. Our perspective doesn’t just impact our feelings to problems, but also our solutions.

How we should view our money
  • Buying Things

         We all love fancy things and that’s a problem. When you love things, you need more things. What we should love is what we have. Gratitude is the lesson that money blinded us to.

  • Is it Worth It

        Sometimes we look at an item or service and believe we need it or can afford it. It is advantageous for us to look at the long term effects of this purchase or commitment. Is this something that I will lose interest with, have to replace for something else, or wont’ give me the mental peace that I need. Is this something that will become a long term debt and add to the items that make me say that my money stress is killing me.

  • Am I Worth It

         This question goes deeper than the previous. Yes a bill may be expensive and come with fees or fines, but ask yourself am I worth it? More specifically, is that bill worth your mental health and peace. It may be more expensive to worry about this bill. It may be better the solution to do what is best for your mental health.

How We Should handle Money

How we should view our money

Money is a tool and all tools work best when handled properly. Money is more than just spending and saving. Money has multiple and proper ways of use.

  • A Firm Grip

         If money is a tool, then we should handle it like one. We should hold onto it with firm grip, meaning be intentional and aware of what we are doing. With a loose grip we will drop our tool or lose our money. I’m not saying to be stingy or greedy, I am saying to be aware and intentional of the power our tool withholds.

  • Lifetime Warranty

         The best tools have a lifetime warranty. They are something that we can use for the rest of our lives and pass down to our children. That’s how we should view our money, will this debit or credit effect my lifetime warranty. Will this remove or contribute the lifetime of my money. 

  • Multiple Uses

         The best tools aren’t used for only one job but multiple. If a one purchase or bill wipes out your money, then you just wasted your tool on only one job. It is important that we are responsible and act sparingly with our money. Never spending more than we have or than what we can currently afford. Remember, if we spend it now, we wont have it late but if we save it now, we can have more than enough for more time to come.

  • Talk To A Supervisor

             No one on a job site should be without proper training and money happens to be a very difficult job. Talk to your supervisor or a professional to give you the training you need. They may even be someone who at one time also said, “my money stress is killing me”.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Money is just a tool
  • Our perspective is extremely important
  • Money requires proper training
  • Talk to someone who understands money better that you

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on My Money Stress Is Killing Me. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

Contact Us


Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money Can’t Buy Happiness


Why Money Can't Buy Happiness

and why you think it does

       Wee see the super wealthy with luxurious items and tell ourselves, “if I had money, I’d be happy”. What if I told you that many wealthy people aren’t. Money can’t buy happiness because money doesn’t actually make you happy. It could buy things that we think make us happy, but that’s not how happiness works. Follow along and I’ll explain.

Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money is a tool and tools don’t fix problems, the person who knows how to use the tool does. Happiness is internal. This means it comes from within and can’t truly come from anything outside of ourselves. While money can’t buy happiness, it can help us begin to understand it. Providing safety, nutrition, and experiences are a few ways it can do this, but our attitude will ultimately determine whether we are happy or not.

Money can't buy Happiness,
but it can have your needs Met

Food and Shelter

     Unless you live in a society that trades goods, money is a necessity to buy the things we need. Food, shelter, and clothing provide us with nourishment and a sense of security. While these are things to be happy about, the truth is they don’t make you happy.

  • Food

         We need food to stay alive and food costs money. Being alive makes us happy. Therefore we need money to be happy, right? Nope, wrong! Technically you can obtain food without money. Food banks and growing your own food make this possible. Talk to someone who has struggled or recovered from an eating disorder and you’ll learn that food is not the source of happiness.

  • Shelter

         Buying a home is a dream for many. It is something that leaves us with a sense of achievement. While it is something to be proud of, that pride doesn’t last. With time things break, neighbors upset us, and taxes rise. Rather than realizing that homes aren’t what make us happy, we begin searching for a bigger or “better” one.

  • Romance        
         As horrible as it is to admit, being wealthy does increase your chances of obtaining more dates. Those dates unfortunately, may be with people who too don’t understand happiness. Deep down we are looking to be loved and it’s hard to get this from someone who doesn’t truly understand it.

The Illusion of Happiness

We get so close. We complete tasks and obtain things that have the power to change perspective. We fall short however and give money the glory. This is an illusion and when you discover the trick, you end up feeling cheated.

The Illusion of Happiness
  • Buying Things

         We all love fancy things and that’s a problem. When you love things, you need more things. What we should love is what we have. Gratitude is the lesson that money blinded us to.

  • Experiences

        Traveling the world. Doing things many people are unable to do. Being treated differently. These are all things that have the power to leave us feeling special. Instead, it is that sense of special that leaves. It’s our lack of contentment that fuels this ongoing chase and money has it’s foot on the gas.

  • Obtaining Goals

         Getting yourself out of debt. Doing well in our careers. Having the commitment and consistency needed to save large amounts of money. All great things but it isn’t the things we should be celebrating, it’s us. We were almost there but rather than looking at ourselves we assumed that it was the goals that made us happy. So we set more and more as happiness drifts further away.

The Quest For More


      One thing that the love of money is great at, is the quest for more. This is greed at it’s core. Having enough but believing more is required. More doesn’t bring happiness any more than less does, only enough can do that.

  • Never Satisfied

         As soon as having more becomes our goal, we have doomed ourselves for failure. You can never have more because as soon as you think you got it, you realize there is more to get. It is an endless chase with no finish line.

  • Greed and Happiness Can’t Co-exist

         Greed believes it needs more to be happy and happiness believes it already is. More and enough are not equals.

  • It’s an Inside Job

         Happiness comes from within and no one can sell that. It’s a realization, a change in perspective. Ever see a homeless person smile? Ever see a rich person angry? Money doesn’t control that. We do! Our goal should not be to get more things but to get more satisfied. I am not telling you to sell all your possessions, in fact I think you can get more but not until you realize that you have enough. When you have enough, anything extra only makes you more grateful and happy to be alive. 


Money Can't Buy Happiness,

But Enough Can

     Don’t chase money, chase enough! This should of been our goal in the first place. Rather, we thought it was more and took a wrong turn on the quest for happiness. Some of us may have gone so far down that path, that it has become harder to become happy. Our distractions have blinded our vison as to where to go. The key is to always remind ourselves that we have enough. Before or after we make a purchase, remember we already have enough. This will only increase our gratitude as we are reminded and remain satisfied with what we have.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Fulfilling your needs is not all you need
  • Buying expensive things is a cheap trick
  • Having more is an endless conquest
  • Happiness Comes From Within
  • Don’t chase money, chase enough

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Money Can’t Buy Happiness. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

Contact Us


How much should therapy cost

How Much Should Therapy Cost

How much should therapy cost

A Guide to Proper Counseling Cost

How much should therapy cost

   You’ve decided that you are ready to start working on yourself. Bravo to you! The next question you may ask yourself is how much should therapy cost? You’re not wrong for asking. In fact, this is a very important question. Maybe even more important than you realize. Don’t get me wrong, you should primarily be searching for a therapist that best meets your needs. Although, knowing how much should therapy cost can help lead you to the right counselor.

                                                                                     Why is Cost Important?

   Perspective can allow you to see this in two different ways. Both ways are correct. Cost can be important because of what you can afford. Cost can also be important because it can reveal value.  You’ve decided to receive therapy because you know it’s importance. Knowing it’s importance, you know it is crucial that you commit to the process. Cost plays an important role in how much you commit.

   As with physical health, we have found that clients commit to more expensive therapy sessions like gym members do more expensive gyms. If a therapy session is more expensive, you are more likely to fully involve yourself in the process and get the most out of it. Like cheap gym memberships, many find themselves not as motivated to be there or skipping sessions entirely. Of course, your financial situation will determine what is the limit for you. What may motivate you, may not be enough for others. A good rule of thumb is to seek out an amount that is high enough for you to place large importance on, but low enough to where it is not causing you financial stress. That would be counterproductive.

   Value, unlike cost is determined by the buyer not seller. While a therapist sets their cost, you will determine their value. You will look at a therapist and decide whether they are of high or low value. You will look at their website, read about their approach, and observe their cost. If their cost is much lower than other therapist, you will assume they are of lesser value. If their price is much higher, you will assume they are of higher value. This is not always the case but you should ask yourself, why would a good therapist work for less than they deserve? When someone is of high value, their cost will typically reflect that. Questions you also should ask yourself are will a therapist being forced to carry a larger case load due to cheaper fees be able to focus on me? Is this therapist being overworked and burnt out? Does this therapist see value in themselves and if not, why should I? 


This Is not a car, Device, or House...

This is Your Life

How Much Should Therapy Cost?

Grow Again Counseling provides Online Therapy for the State Florida. Florida is an interesting state as it holds some of the lowest and highest rates in the country. On average, the median rate for therapy is around $90. This is the average rate for the average therapist but what about a therapist of higher value. Higher valued therapist start around $120 and have even been seen to go up to $250 per session.

We believe in high value therapy as it provides the best service for clients and encourages therapists to be more efficient. We also believe that most in the State of Florida would struggle financially to pay $250 per session. For this reason, we sought out a balance and found what we believe to be the perfect number to encourage healthy and commitment full therapy.

For induvial sessions, we charge a rate of $130 per session. This amount encourages the client to commit to the process and assists the therapist from burning out.

Save $120 by
Purchasing a
4 Session Package

Therapy Package Sale

*Grow Again Counseling, LLC does not accept payment from any insurance providers. We accept cash pay clients via credit card or online payment.

If you enjoyed this article on the question how much should therapy cost, please share it with someone else that too could benefit from it. If you are in the state of Florida and would like to receive online counseling for any problem that you may be incurring, reach out to us for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you. We look forward to see you Grow Again!

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By Jordan Joachim,

Writer, Group Facilitator


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